Waste - Overview

[GRI - 103-1], [GRI - 103-3], [GRI - 306-1], [GRI - 306-2], [GRI - 306-3], [GRI - 306-4], [GRI - 306-5],

Following an update of Standard 306 on Waste by GRI164,which occurred in 2020, a project was launched aimed at defining waste streams for the main Group Companies (in particular the Companies of the Water Segment, those of the Environment Segment, Acea Produzione and Areti).
For a greater level of detail, streams were defined for process and non-process waste. The latter category includes waste that does not derive from production activity in a strict sense, and generally represents a minimal part of total waste, also having a very variable composition determined by non-recurring events.

Table no. 69 – Total waste produced (2019-2021)

waste produced (t) 2019 2020 2021
total waste 306.940 308.713 347.487
hazardous 78.388 70.763 67.627
non-hazardous 228.552 237.950 279.860
detail by type of processing
entirely recovered waste (*) 112.479 111.474 157.770
entirely disposed of waste (*) 194.461 197.239 189.717
waste-to-energy 1.824 3.769 2.962
incineration 13.931 16.948 5.242
landfill and other disposal operations 178.706 176.522 181.513

(*) Waste sent for recovery in 2021 was divided as follows: 109,759 t for preparation for reuse, 44,984 t for recycling 3,027 t for other recovery operations.

164The previous version of the Standard, from 2016, grouped effluents and waste together.
